Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Multi Media Room Bookings

Any student who does not appear on the following list has nominated to use Adobe Premiere Pro in preference to the Multimedia room in the library. If you change your mind contact Ms Weinert via email ASAP

28th May - Lachlan (Actors Interviewer - Riley, Collector Grant ) - unable to attempt due to illness
29th May - Chris G (Actors Interviewer - David, Collector Jarod)
31st May - David (Actors Interviewer - Alex, Collector Grant) - ill prepared unable to attempt
31st May - Lachlan (Actors Interviewer - Riley, Collector Grant ) - capitalised on the opportunity to use the multi-media room.
4th June - Riley (Actors Interviewer - Lachlan)
7th June - Alex (Actors Interviewer - David, Collector Graig) - decided to do an animation instead
7th June - Lachlan (Actors Interviewer - Riley, Collector Grant) - reshoot.
8th June - Grant (Actors Interviewer - David, Collector Alex)
11th June - Dylan (Actors Interviewer - Riley Collector Max) - the Long Weekend, another date required
14th June - Max (Actors Interviewer - Chris C Collector Dylan)
Adobe Premiere Pro
Date Variable
Aaron (Actors Interviewer - Jacob, Collector Chris N)
Chris N (Actors Interviewer - Jarod, Collector Jacob)
Jarod (Actors Interviewer - Chris N, Collector Jacob)
Jacob (Actors Interviewer - Aaron, Collector Chris N)

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